Friday, December 5, 2014

Dinding, lukisan, dan aku.

Aku bergerak ke belakang.
Memang selalunya kaki akan melangkah ke situ dengan pantas apabila enter this laboratory, sambil tangan lincah menyarungkan labcoat ke badan. Tandatangan diturunkan ke atas kertas kedatangan, eyes flickered uneasily registering the names of my group mates for the experiment that day. Dicapainya kunci locker untuk bahan experiment dan terus melangkah to the assigned table. Efficient, fuh...
I am... less fond... of this group members compared to my other group members (We have different groupings for different courses with lab assignments). Why? Because we're all so much alike, in regards to doing experiment anyway. A bunch of empty-heads. *snorted* It's a good thing we're a team then, because that way it gives me great pressure to be responsible  and to be less of a... useless person.

Hati berdegup. Closed to my assigned table, sit a male colleague. Don't be alarm though, bukan 'suka' dia begitu... Just that I don't really like to interact or even be within close proximity with the opposite gender (it's fine if there's a good reason for the interaction, of course.). Opposite attracts, they say. Tanpa berfikir panjang, my voice came out, "Mmg group ko kat meja sini or ko saje... ?"
"Eh, tak..." Pandang aku.
"Oh, ok, haha." Using the key, I opened the drawer. Group mates of mine, none has arrived yet. What is it with people nowadays? Don't know the meaning of puntuality anymore? Some laa... not all.
"Hey, xxx..." Nama aku dipanggil penuh. Aku suka. Suatu masa dahulu, dia antara yang panggil nama panggilan aku dengan cara yang salah, urk. Tapi, aku rasa la, sebab I made it a point to call HIM with his full name instead of any nama panggilan orang lain kasi, I noticed he started to do the same with me.
Aku berhenti fiddling with the apparatus and looked at him questioningly.
"Aku nak ajak ko ni. Tau tak street arts... ?"
Tahu! Apasal pula tak tahu, aku yang proclaim diri sendiri 'orang seni' ni mana mungkin tak tahu. In fact! Dah lama mengidam nak melibatkan diri dengan benda tu. Back in secondary school, I envy a friend of mine who had had the experience to draw a mural... for the school!
Back to the story though, and to cut to the chase, he invited me to join him in doing mural for our faculty.
Wahlaowei!! Mahu sangaaaaaaaaaat.

For the first time in my life, aku hasilkan sebuah lukisan mural.
But I'm not satisfied with it though, rasa macam boleh buat lagi baik...


Kalau korang ada dengar khabar angin dari sesiapa kan, tolonglah jangan terus percaya bulat-bulat.
Soal selidik dulu. Betul atau pun tidak benda yang kita dengar itu, confirmkan dulu... sebab benda itu boleh jadi rekaan oleh si mulut murai penyampai semata-mata.
Well, ya laaa, kita tidak tahu niat seseorang itu apabila dia berbicara, good or bad.

"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Jika datang kepada kamu seorang fasik membawa sesuatu berita, maka selidikilah (untuk menentukan) kebenarannya, supaya kamu tidak menimpakan sesuatu kaum dengan perkara yang tidak diingini - dengan sebab kejahilan kamu (mengenainya) - sehingga menjadikan kamu menyesali apa yang kamu telah lakukan."
-Surah Al-Hujurat [49:6]