Friday, October 5, 2012

Spice of life

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم

Keletihan yang melampau. Feels like I will drop any time now.

Ayat favourite orang tersayang never fail to appear come those times, "Memang kita hidup ini untuk letih!". Ya, mahu hidup senang and bahagia, di Syurga Allah sana. Subhanallah... 


A picture of a person in need... A saying that touch my heart, deeply...
"... because you are trained professionally! but they are not."
You are the one who can save them. It's your responsibilities.

Remove the other people present, my cheeks surely would've become wet.

Selama ini terapung entah ke mana, tersentak dengan hebatnya... Ya Allah!


Everyone has their own problems. Doesn't mean yours are more significant than theirs.
Put yourselves in the other's shoes... before you decide to burden others with what you assume is more important (to you only, that is).

"Oh... I'm sorry for you..."
"No, never mind... ! =)"

Really, I want to help you. You've become a beautiful drawing in my canvas of life.
Seek me, InsyaAllah, I will help you...


قولوا ما شاء الله يا رب تعيشوا احلى سنين
قولوا ما شاء الله يا محلى زوجين صالحين

ربنا يجمعكم ويا بعض في الجنة
ربنا يجعلكم طول العمر متفاهمين

Say : "Allah has willed it"
And may you live the happiest of years
Say : "Allah has willed it"
And how beautiful it is to see such a pious couple!

May Allah unite you together in Paradise
And may He make you live your whole life together in harmony

Credit to maherzaintube

All of you I've heard about and known, may Allah bless you. 

إن شاء الله‎

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